Tagung: Worlds of Management: Transregional Approaches to Management Knowledge since 1945

Date: 14.-16.4

Venue: Online via Zoom

Organisation: Katharina Kreuder-Sonnen (University of Vienna), Lukas Becht (University of Vienna), Florian Peters (University of Jena), Vítězslav Sommer (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)

Registration: https://univienna.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJApcu-gqTgiG9CFvJDw0qby_bZDMtIfe0as


Photograph by Tadeusz Sumiński, published in Seminar of Prospects for the Future, „The Polish Review“ (Afryka/Azja) 1963, n.12, p.12.

Photograph by Tadeusz Sumiński, published in Seminar of Prospects for the Future, „The Polish Review“ (Afryka/Azja) 1963, n.12, p.12.